Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nicolas Calvin Bordelon

I got to spend last week in Virginia hanging out with the Bordelons, playing with Clare and Garrett, and meeting our new grandson Nicolas. Sarah and Toby managed to have a new baby and still keep the rest of the family routine flowing perfectly smoothly. They make a great team. And I didn't have very much to do but play with grandkids.  What a treat. And just so you know, I adore my grandkids, so I took a lot of pictures.
The day before  Nicolas was born we made a trip to the pumpkin patch.  Some traditions are not to be missed, even if you are having a baby the next day.

Nicolas Calvin was born October 26, 2015 sometime after 8:00 in the morning. Weighing in at 7lbs 12 oz and about 19 inches long.
 These are day 1 pictures.

Both Clare and Garrett were fascinated with him. Clare recognized him as a little brother, but I think Garrett viewed him more as an interesting bug.

Day 2 found Nicolas hanging out in the tanning bed
 Day 3
Both Nick and Sarah are looking pretty good and getting a little bored at the hospital.

Day 4
This cute little pumpkin came home

While all the fuss with the baby was going on, Garrett and I took a few walks around the neighborhood.  People take holiday decorating seriously in Sarah's neighborhood.  A house just down the street had a Ghostbusters theme. and Garrett loved that marshmallow man.
 He also loved the spider webs that decorated many fences. But he didn't like the plastic spiders stuck in the webs.

Clare has own own busy schedule.  While I was there she had three soccer practices and a game, a pre-school field trip, ballet and Spanish class.  The best part was that she got to wear her Elsa costume to Spanish and Ballet. Here she is dressed up for Halloween.

As soon as she had her costume on she went outside to create her ice palace. I love her imagination.

Which takes us up to day six of Nick's life, when he got up for Clare's 9:00 soccer game, went out to brunch with the family and then dressed up for Halloween. He didn't get to trick or treat this year.

The new  and improved Bordelon family