Thursday, February 5, 2015

Visiting Coba

Last week we had a fun family reunion in Mexico.  The only family members missing were Emily and little girl Smith who are on a "no fly" list for a few more weeks.  

Our major outing was a trip to the ruins at Coba and then some beach time in Tulum.  All five of the grandkids were great troopers dragging around the pyramids at Coba and it was early enough in the trip that we took a lot of pictures there.

Cousin bonding

Alice love to sit on the steps
so does Rosie 
Garret got to hike the easy way
Junior Archaeologists

You can still climb this pyramid, Nohuch Mul, which is the tallest pyramid in the Yucatan pennisnsula, so it was climbed.

and then we took family pictures at the bottom

What a great family!