Sunday, June 8, 2014

Odds and Ends

We have had a lot of small adventures this spring.  A few weeks ago Calvin did a three day bike ride to Calistoga.  He started from our house Wednesday morning and I met him Downieville that night. 

The next day he rode down to Woodland and I caught a shot of him coming across a dam. 

He finished the ride in Calistoga way before I finished shopping at the outlets, so the photo documentation of this ride is skimpy.

The next week I went with a friend to Pyramid Lake to see the white pelicans.  She is kind of new to the area  and it is fun getting to see local sights again that I take for granted.

There is a nesting colony of white pelicans on the lake. And they happily put on a nice display for us.

On Memorial Day we enticed the Gabbarts into their kayaks and we took a tour of the West side of Lake Tahoe.  We got on the lake early and had a nice paddle to Carnelian Bay for lunch, but the wind came up during lunch and we had a bit of a slog getting back.  It is amazing how far away the car is when you are paddling into the wind to get to it.
Calvin and I had a casual paddle this week.  We stopped at our favorite beach and watched a family of mergansers paddle by.

Do you see a similarity here?

Lake Tahoe is one of the most beautiful places on earth.  I'm thankful we can spend time there so often.
Still clear.  Still blue.