Tuesday, May 27, 2014

More grandkids

We have had a flurry of visits with children and grandchildren.  Rosie and Alice came to visit the first weekend in May.  Inexplicably I only took a couple a couple of pictures during their visit, even though I had the good camera out and available.  I guess it was just more fun visiting.

Here I cleverly enlisted everyone's help to cook dinner without actually assigning anything to myself. It was nice to have the house full of family and friends for a few days.

And here is my only picture of Alice, perhaps not one she will thank me for posting when she is a little older.

On Thursday while Rosie and Alice were making the ten hour drive back to Santa Barbara, Calvin and I made the 2 hour flight to Denver to visit Butch and family.  We didn't have any big plans, just spent the weekend doing things that they usually do, which means we were pretty busy.
While Zach was in school Friday Calvin and Austin finished assembling drawers for Austin's new dresser.

Austin got out his toolbox and went right to work.

And he is a good worker.  He stayed right with the project until it was finished.

We got to watch two soccer games and see Austin score a goal.  Zach's team was really starting to understand the game, but when one player accidentally headed the ball, the flow of the game ceased while everyone went over to visit with him about the experience.  The ref had to remind everyone to start playing again.

Between games we went to Rocket Park where Calvin climbed up into the rocket along with Zach and Austin.

Back at home Calvin introduced Zach to rubber band target shooting with dinosaur targets.

And, of course, there was a little time in the sandbox with the diggers.

We enjoyed pizza and ice cream one night and I couldn't resist the ice cream faces. 

What fun it is to see everyone.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Friday Fun Day

On Friday we had our first kayak outing of the season.  The weather was in the 70's at the lake and the wind was taking a break, so we had a perfect day to kayak.

The view from the front heading out of Sand Harbor
Calvin in the classic back of the kayak shot as we head out.  The water is so clear you can see the boulders in the water behind Calvin.

We paddled to our favorite beach, put up the blue umbrella to warn away encroachers, and spent an idle afternoon looking at the clouds.

Calvin looks a little more actively than I do.

The best sight on the beach

Our mergansers are back, but no sign of nesting osprey yet.
I love Friday Fun Day