Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Frosty Mug

The highlight of last weekend was a visit to the iconic A&W in Reno.  I practiced using my phone camera and after a couple of shots figured out that I was in video mode. 

 Truthfully nothing satisfies quite like a "frosty mug" even if it is diet root beer.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Roatan 2013

We just returned from a trip to Roatan with Sarah, Toby and Clare.  The only reason you would want to go to Roatan is to scuba dive or seriously relax.  Calvin, Sarah and Toby got into the diving but Clare and I went after the "seriously relax" option.  We stayed in a lovely home right on the beach with a small pool and a lovely outdoor deck.  It was close to a good grocery store and several convenient eating places and that sums up what we did for a week.  A little diving, a lot of eating and a lot of relaxing.  Calvin is our main grocery shopper on vacations and makes sure that there are at least two desserts for each day of the trip.  Some of our "eat in" meals were a little sketchy, but we always had a great dessert.

We brought the camera, but I have to admit that most of my pictures were total disasters.  The last time we were in Roatan I found myself interested in fauna and flora of the island, but this trip Clare seemed to be the most interesting thing around and I hardly noticed anything else.  Clare has an adorable lightning quick smile and I would say that I missed it 100% of the time, so you'll just have to imaging how cute her smile really was.

The Boredelons look a little angelic at dinner.  Calvin took this picture

It rains a lot in Roatan, but most of the storms passed by quickly.
There was a dive site just off our beach, but Calvin was the only one willing to brave the waves to swim out to it.  This lovely beach is swarming with sand midges.  I spent about 20 minutes on the beach our first night there and got over 50 bites on my legs.  I hardly noticed the bites when they happened, but my legs looked like I had chicken pox the rest of the week.  I gave the beach a wide berth after that.
Clare had great enthusiasm for everything.
Sorry Sarah for the terrible picture of you, but I wanted to show off Clare's curly hair.
And then I noticed how similar Clare's hair color is to yours.  I don't usually look at the back of your hair.

We ate a couple of times at Temporary Cal's Cantina, so named because it is hard to make a go of a restaurant in Roatan and the owner didn't want to make a permanent commitment.

Good times splashing in the pool.

This is the view that I loved waking up to each morning.  A great master bedroom!