Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friday Fun Day October 22, 2011

Calvin usually does not work on Fridays, so we have instituted Friday Fun days.  We usually kayak in the summer and ski in the winter, but sometimes we do something different.  This Friday we hiked to Eagle Lake on the west shore of Lake Tahoe.  We have lived in Reno for 27 years and this is the first time we have been here.

This is a bridge across the creek.  It is a pretty spot so we took a lot of pictures.
You can't see it in the picture, but the sun was sparkling on the creek behind Calvin.
We made it to the lake and Calvin figured out how to take a delayed picture.

We tried to hike around the lake and tried a few more delayed pictures.

I was looking for some fall color as a background, but the leaves hadn't quite changed.

I almost made it around the lake, but this boulder field defeated me.  Calvin forged on looking for a path through the boulders, but I was happy with view across the lake especially if it meant I didn't have to do any more boulder hopping.