Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tree Hunting Ritual

The day after Thanksgiving we performed the annual tree cutting ritual with the Gabbarts. We knew we were in for a challenge with a foot of fresh snow in the mountains. I bought snow chains for the new (2005) Yukon but the owners manual states that chains "are not recommended due to inadequate clearance." We hit ice on the road in the canyon going up to Frenchman's and were in deep, fresh snow by the time we rounded the lake. Fortunately we found ourselves in the rear of a tree cutting caravan of about 8 cars so we just followed their tracks. Our usual spot was inaccessable due to snow so we kept following the other cars beyond the lake but drew the line at a mud/snow creek crossing. We ended up with a fine example of the Ponderosa Pine - no silver tip firs to be found that low. The Gabbarts captured one as well but later, at home, rejected the tree as not sufficiently Christmasy. Poor Vance had to resort to a pitiful store bought tree. But it was a good day for us and our tree stands proudly in the entry hall.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Skiing is off to an early start this year. This photo is of Jay, Rosie, Vance and Peter on Thanksgiving Day. I have been up two more times since then. The Chutes are now partially open and Peter and I had some great powder conditions last Saturday. Unfortunately I got spanked pretty firmly when I discovered a barely covered rock while doing a "smear turn" in a steep little funnel crossing between chutes. It hurts to sit down and bike riding is still off limits for a couple more days.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Snowflake Flyer

This is a photo of the "Snowflake Flyer" that I made for Zack and Austin for Christmas. It was really fun to make: Solid Oak for the rails and body, Steel running surfaces and sliding dove joints for the body to rails connnections. It is definitely up for hard use. I hope no one gets hurt.